If you are like most business owners, you know you need to get better at Google, but don’t have time to figure it out yourself.
I’m here to help.
Rely on my 14+ years of building & ranking websites to move the needle for your company, organization, or non-profit.
There are no hidden secrets to showing up on Google; there are proven strategies and steps you can follow to make sure you leapfrog your competition and show up when your potential customers search on Google.
Currently I am Local SEO Analyst and Account Manager for Sterling Sky – the best Local SEO agency in North America. At Sterling Sky, I help small businesses and franchises across the US and Canada grow their business on Google.
Prior to joining Sterling Sky, I served as Director of Digital Strategy for YDOP, a digital marketing agency in Lancaster, PA. I have been a sought after speaker, writer, and contributor to marketing and industry specific events & publications.
I have been married to Megan since 2008, and we have two energetic, curious children: Norah and Micah. We live in Lititz in Lancaster County, where we pass Amish buggies on a daily basis.
I earned my Bachelor’s & Master’s degrees in Bible from Cairn University, and I can talk for hours about sea monsters in the Bible. When I am not studying Google, I am attempting to get better at disc golf and pickleball.